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Product reviews

We would love to hear your thoughts on our products, so please be sure to leave a review on our product pages. This helps us to modify our product range where necessary. But more importantly, these reviews also help other customers. It makes it easier for customers to find the product that suits them, thanks to the reviews of others. 

Want to write a review of a product? Great! You will find some suggestions below on how to write a relevant review that is interesting to others. 

  • Write a review of at least twenty words.
  • Base your opinion on objective facts.
  • Write in clear language.
  • Explain how and under what circumstances you use the product.
  • In addition to the positive features, please also give tips for product improvement.

Why might a review not be published?

  • Coarse words and offensive language
  • Incomplete content without relevance
  • Writing in all capitals or using distracting punctuation marks
  • Mention of personal contact information such as phone numbers, addresses or URLs
  • Monetary information such as prices and actuality
  • Referring to other (web)sites
  • Spreading advertisements or spam
  • Review about an incorrect product

Please note that reviews on the OMNI Bikeparts website reflect the opinions of other customers. This means that we do not guarantee the comprehensiveness, accuracy and reliability of the reviews. The reviews are statements and opinions of the author in question and not those of OMNI Bikeparts.